As a consequence of the Coronavirus Pandemic, the Parish Council has not
held a “face to face” meeting since January 2020. Business has been
conducted, under emergency legislation, using the Zoom Video Conference
Platform but the Government has not extended this legislation and therefore
council meetings must now once again be held “face to face”. Despite the
removal of all legal requirements on 19 July 2021, it is perhaps inevitable that
some councillors and members of the public will have some concerns about
meeting on 21 July 2021 in Crakehall Village Hall. The purpose of this Risk
Assessment is to provide reassurance that the arrangements for the meeting
have been carefully thought through and those attending will be as safe as
they possibly can be. The steps taken to minimise the risk of spreading the
coronavirus are as follows:
- The meeting will be held in the main hall (rather than the previous
practice of meeting in the smaller Stembridge Room).
- Doors and several windows will be open to improve ventilation.
- Seats for councillors and members of the public will be placed at least
two metres apart with additional distance if folk are facing one another.
- A QR code for track and trace will be provided and those not using the
code will be asked to register their attendance and leave a contact
telephone number.
- Those attending will be asked to wear face coverings until they are
seated and, of course, there would not be any objections to anyone
continuing to wear a mask even when seated.
- Hand sanitiser will be provided and those attending will be asked to use
it on entering the building.
Cllr David Shw, Chairman of the Council
Chris McGee, Clerak to the Council