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Parish Council 21 July 2021

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday 21 July 2021 in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm. The agenda for the meeting (including links to all the papers for the meeting) is available in the Parish Council section of this website or via:

Please note that this will be the first meeting of the council since January 2020 that will be held in Crakehall Village Hall. A face-to-face meeting of Parish Councillors is now a legal requirement but please be assured that the arrangements will comply with any national guidance then in force designed to minimise the spread of the Coronavirus. Following the Prime Minister's announcement on 19 July, the Chairman and the Clerk will review requirements and do a risk assessment of the premises the following day. The main hall has been booked for the meeting (rather than the usual Stembridge Room). Hopefully this will allow all councillors and any members of the public present to feel entirely comfortable. It would be hepful if parishioners intending to attend could let the clerk know (by email to

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